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Google Display Ads

Let's get creative

Our Services: Google Display Ads

If your goal is to enhance brand awareness and attract higher traffic volumes, Display campaigns are perfect. These campaigns involve creating visually engaging adverts designed to captivate and attract viewers. Such ads can be displayed across millions of websites, apps, and various Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail.


Display ads utilise a combination of text, images, and a call to action to capture consumer attention. These ads can be highly engaging when they incorporate rich media assets such as images, video, audio, or animation, making them interactive and memorable.

Incorporating creative display ads into your media strategy can effectively distinguish you from the competition.


How Google Display Advertising Can Benefit Your Business

Each time your advert is viewed, you are reaching someone who may not have been aware of your business before. When this interaction leads to a sale, you have effectively expanded your business using Google Display Ads. The advantage of Google Display advertising is that it not only presents relevant and targeted adverts based on users' search terms but also provides them with the opportunity to click through to your website, where you can convert the advert into a sale.


Google Display Ads vs. Google Search Ads

Understanding the difference between Google Display and Google Search ads can be simplified by considering how they target customers, and when and where they appear. Display ads target users based on who they are and their behaviours (both online and offline), showing ads on websites and apps.

Search ads can target users similarly, but critically, Search targets users at the precise moment they are searching for your keywords, displaying ads on the Google search results page (often abbreviated as 'SERP').

Why Use Display Advertising?

The landscape of Google Ads and PPC has evolved significantly over the years. Despite being a remnant from the early days of digital advertising, display campaigns remain a leading choice for brands when allocating their ad budgets.

Why? It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words – and text ads have strict character limits! Google display ads enable you to use the Google Ads platform beyond just ads in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are numerous benefits to incorporating display advertising into your marketing strategy.

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